Affiliate Disclosure Policy:
Here in NanaLand we are all about simple. So, very simply, we would like you to understand that we make a little money from our blogging efforts through affiliate sales and sponsored posts.
The only way I can share my Nana adventures with you is to create a little side hustle with this blog. The way I do this is to highlight a few products that I love! (Honestly, if it’s not something I really like, then you won’t hear about it from me anyway.) If you decide to click on something I recommend and buy it, I will get a small commission. But. . .here’s the best part of all. . .you get something you want but don’t pay anything extra!! Win-win for both of us!
We are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program, designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to (Amazon makes us say this in this way. That’s about all the legal-ese you’ll hear from me!)
Comment Policy:
One of the first rules at Nana’s house is Be kind to one another!! I am constantly reminding the Littles to respect one another and seek to understand, share and don’t be rude. So I would ask the same of all of you who join us here in NanaLand. Please remember that people often have different opinions, and just because someone expresses an opposing view, it doesn’t necessarily make them wrong. Let’s just be nice with how we express those opinions.
I get really excited to hear from all my followers and be able to hear you share things from different perspectives. I value everyone’s comments, so please feel free to share. However, I have to warn you that if you leave a nasty comment, it will earn you a place on Nana’s timeout bench!
Privacy Policy:
Again, we like to keep things simple. So simply put, I will NEVER sell or give out the information you share with me to anyone for any reason – pinky swear! (I suppose if the government came looking for you, I might have to cooperate, but I would warn you first. ) Since I strive to teach my kids and grandkids total respect for others, that’s what you can expect from me. I value your privacy as much as my own. Again, we live by the Golden Rule around here. The only reason I even need your email address is so I can share with you all the adventures in NanaLand. As a matter of fact, if you would like me to send you something free right now, just fill in the little box below and I will send it to you lickety split!
Contact Me:
If you ever have any questions about these policies or anything else, please feel free to contact me at adventuresinnanaland {at} gmail {dot} com. I would love to chat with you!
Cookies & Milk for Everyone!